Sometimes we experience massive life events like an onslaught. That’s been my recent five years. Even the best life changes can make for an unsteady season. Sharing what I learned this past year about transitions, and pausing to catch up to yourself.
Why not think about the legacy you’re leaving now? Why wait until the latter season of your life to plan for how you want to be remembered? This post provides ideas and examples for how to write your eulogy in order to live more intentionally today.
Why do people stay stuck when they’re down? How do others rise above their circumstances? You can choose to drive your life or let it happen to you. Either way, you’re becoming someone by choice… make yourself proud.
No one heals by being told what or how to think. People heal by being loved well… through presence. Loving anything requires intentionality, integrity, and vulnerability… But it starts with just being willing to be uncomfortable with uncertainty.