This blog is a deep dive into the things that matter to me… & maybe you too.

I hope you find this page both reflective and restorative, leaving you better than when you found it. Lord knows our souls could use more of that.

Be Present for the Pause
Kelsey DeYoung Kelsey DeYoung

Be Present for the Pause

It’s in these seasons that feel dark and despairing, when life doesn’t feel abundant at all but rather on a terminal pause, that we truly have the opportunity to prune and prepare for future flourishing and productivity. We have the chance to examine the ground we are planted in, and evaluate the strength and reach of our roots. While this season can feel like a series of setbacks-- even suffering-- I can tell you from experience, that this is where the magic happens. This season primes us for creation.

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I plan my life out a day at a time, so my posting schedule can be erratic.

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