All our lives we’ve been waiting,
yearning and longing for more—
for miracles, some supernatural
signs and markers in our times—
to color them with a meaning
and a peace that we are on purpose, known
by something higher; we wait
for some entity to speak to us
tell us what to do, when
to walk, where
to go next, how to move,
we seek significance to keep pace
(Are we moving in the right direction…
or is there one to begin with?)
Or is each step just a choice
between belief and fear?
Fear is a predator, keeping you close
causing you to pause, stand still, it preys
on your passivity, without you sensing how much
it possesses you to politely accept whatever
comes your way, you relinquish
control: you give yourself
again and again, ache after ache
it alters every fiber of your being, not just
belittling its subject— you— become it:
a captor and a fugitive of your own physicality—
you stall—unable to find or even force your way—
the unknown, any uncharted course, becomes unbearable.
Because fear is relentless, it won’t permit you
to do anything but wrestle yourself into submission,
again and again, seizing your spirit,
it claims victory over your complacent cowardice.
But belief is a behavior, enabling you
to move, commencing courage, driving you
to do, something, create character
it withstands any combat, conditioning you
to trust in the unknown, continue, you choose
release: you allow yourself
again and again, joy after joy
it alters every fiber of your being, not just
your body and mind— you—become it:
a heart that believes— steering your steps,
serendipitously, stirring a steadfastness,
delivering you from the immobility of anxiety.
Because belief is tender, it grants you
the grace to go about your days with confidence
again and again, quieting your spirit,
it gives you freedom over fear— that is the miracle.
-Kelsey Boone DeYoung
April 2, 2020