This blog is a deep dive into the things that matter to me… & maybe you too.
I hope you find this page both reflective and restorative, leaving you better than when you found it. Lord knows our souls could use more of that.

Be Present for the Pause
It’s in these seasons that feel dark and despairing, when life doesn’t feel abundant at all but rather on a terminal pause, that we truly have the opportunity to prune and prepare for future flourishing and productivity. We have the chance to examine the ground we are planted in, and evaluate the strength and reach of our roots. While this season can feel like a series of setbacks-- even suffering-- I can tell you from experience, that this is where the magic happens. This season primes us for creation.

Lost in my Mind (Part III): The Aftermath
Sometimes you just need to hear about someone else getting lost to know it’s normal and you can keep going. Your burden might seem exclusive to you, but we all have our hurdles to cross, and we all stumble. We are all learning resilience and endurance at the end of the day. This is my attempt at encouraging you via my experience to stand up again, keep climbing my child. I pray that my sharing of these trialsome years full of twisting trails gives you some solace, some sense of relief and calm. You’re not going to be lost forever. But you have to look up and look around. You may be standing right by a sign that can show you the way out. It might not even look like a way to go at all, but it might just be your ticket to the top.

A Tribute: April 30, 2019
Before it was even spoken, I think we both had on our own terms decided that eloping made the most sense in that moment… I had dreamed of that kind of spontaneous, romantic display of commitment.
Lost in my Mind (Part II): The Battle
While my mind continued to unwind in every direction, my free-spirit & carefree heart followed suit. I became increasingly nervous and anxious, even paranoid. Nervous about what would happen next and about this voice that I couldn’t turn off. Anxious about how people were perceiving me, but knowing I wasn’t able to control that even an ounce. Things weren’t getting better… I wasn’t just declining mentally and physically, I was emotionally wrecked— agitated and scared at that point. How had I gotten here?
Lost in my Mind (Part I): The Onset
I’m going to take you back to the time when I broke into a thousand pieces. If I don’t start here, you won’t have the authentic backstory on who I’m becoming, and why it matters so much to me. This is the first of three posts about the year 2009, when my life and my entire identity got rerouted. After I share this story, I’ll shed light on how I was slowly, tediously put back together to regain a sound mind, but first I have to let you know when and how I lost it.

A Preface: My Untold Story
I promise to not leave you all in the shallow waters— it’s going to get messy, and scary both to write and to read. Knowing that though, I still feel compelled to dive into that courageous space of honesty and vulnerability from the beginning. I also promise not every post will be a heavy conversation, but I do feel like being candid is possibly the best place I could start.

A (Very) Informal Resumé
My twenties were hard— mentally, emotionally, and spiritually… especially on my mental health. As a result, I’ve been privileged to have spent years in counseling and built a firm foundation around self-care and self-awareness.